Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In the fabric of my dreams,
where the stars are scattered,
upon the ground like an open
prarie under the pale black sky,
I find you in the shadows,
and we come together,
under the pounding of the warm
rain, two bodies enclosed in the
balmy mist, lips pressed into one
embrace, as I take the cool moon,
and caress the small of your
back, evoking delicate gasps,
in a silky tangle of arms
and legs, and we sink down into
the land, soft like ripened fruit,
holding tight, two bodies collapsed
in the starlight gaze,
now bright as a thousand suns,
and you slip away from me,
like smoke through my fingers,
I see only your eyes now,
as I open my eyes,
awakened to the
beating of a lonely heart.

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