Monday, April 18, 2011


Against the shadows of the bloodless moon,
when we journeyed across the silver seas,
and she arose from the ocean, in the cold
morning air, to quell the thirsty heart,
And the newborn sun, did not shy away
from the center of Neptune's fury,
so I remembered her as she was then,
now ages ago, as old as the stars
we were no strangers to fray,
hunting the dawn from the edges
of our minds, while the blue
mountains, creaked and groaned in
an ectasy of the gods desire, the lighting
played against her sapphire gaze, two eyes
at one with mine, sparkling with immortal
and we fell into the dark chasm of love
Those days are no more, fallen into disrepair,
like some cobble street from ancient times,
now only the desert hides the secrets
of sordid treasures spent on the crash of
swords and the flash of cannon,
I remember sometimes, those eyes in the dark,
piercing into the fabric of the mind,
saving me from the wreckage of despair,
long ago when the Earth was new,
and the rain fell with intent
washing away the stains
of regret.

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